Saturday, February 12, 2011


I read through some of my journals today.  I've been posting online, too, which has me wondering if I should put them all in the same place...  However, I've often written in two journals at the same time, so maybe it doesn't matter.  lol

I have consistently written nearly the same basic goals with similar long-term goals....  A friend said that prayers over time can become scripture.  I read that today in my journal and has me reflecting.  I signed up to take piano lessons and began this week... Practicing is so not in my routine, yet, but I loved the progress I made as I reviewed what I had taught myself.  I really want to be able to play the hymns in my own home.  I need to keep reminding myself of this goal and not let myself push out learning to play.

I started a "To Do List" Journal today.  :-)  It is sometimes hard to see what I've gotten done when there's still so much that is undone.  I am marking through the things that I get done and moving the things that I don't to the next day (and marking through the item and notating that I moved it to the next day).  Someone said that their mother did this in her planner.  There is something satisfying about crossing it out, even if it is moving to the next day.  One thing I started today was adding things that got done that wasn't on my original list.  For example, I went to watch Julia on the spur of the moment today to allow Ingrid to take my daughter and her oldest daughter to a school dance competition.

In this "To Do List" Journal, I also added some basic every day kind of goals and some long-term goals....  I used a list from my journal that I did about a year ago.  The basics were still the basics, but one thing that surprised me was that I had added learning to play the piano on the basics!  I know I never did turn on the piano keyboard until this week....  Yes, I do need to work practicing into my routine and keep at it!  As I read my long-term goals from last year, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had made progress on those goals and would keep them to allow continued progress.  :-)  Here's what I had:

Just the Basics
  1. 1.       Pray always.  J
    2.       Read the Book of Mormon; study primary lesson (as well as SS and RS lessons).
    3.       Exercise Chewy twice a day and do Wii Fit or go to Y 5-6 times a week.
    4.       Eat well; lose weight.
    5.       Ed (I just want to keep him in mind and make sure he knows he is a priority with me.)
    6.       Piano

Some Long-term Goals

  1.  Reorganize and declutter entire house
  2.  Family history work (DAR?)
  3. Indexing
  4.  Plan a vegetable and flower garden and then do it.
  5.  Be proficient at playing the hymns.
I have other goals, too, but thought I'd share these.  I often seem to set goals that are more like reaching for the stars....  For some, that might be depressing because you never reach those goals.  For me, though, I keep the goals in mind and celebrate any progress and even that I still want to reach the goal.