
I am setting this page up to allow Lindsay and I to collaborate on our lessons.

Primary 3, CTR B, lesson 3

Gather outside the large bathrooms.  Whisper, “We’re going on a treasure hunt…  We have to remember some rules.  Be reverent.  Hold onto our iron rod (a rope with a teacher at each end).  Our first clue says to turn right past the water fountains and follow the hallway around past both chapel doors.  Look for a sign that says Sacrament Preparation Room (I need to make sure there is a sign or I’ll make one.).  There’s where we will find our next clue.”   (I want to take pictures, too.  I'll have my camera, but may forget.)
1.       The sacrament prep room
2.       The Bishop’s office
3.       The water fountain by the small bathroom
4.       Our classroom – where the treasure will be  (a chest with scriptures in it, if I can figure out how to make one out of a box or maybe just a display with the Book of Mormon.)
In class talk about how holding on to our iron rod helped us stay together and reach the treasure.  (Direct them to have a seat on the floor by the picture of  Pre-earth life.)

P9 in manual
·         Imagine going to get important papers far away….What would help? Would arrows marking path help?
·         Show picture of Pre-earth life
·         Where did we live before we were born?
·         Why did we leave Heavenly Father?
o   Bodies
o   Have experiences
o   Learn to choose the right
·         J When Heavenly Father planned for us to leave him and live on earth, he wanted all of us to return and live with him again.  He knew we’d have to CTR in order to return and CTRing would make us happy.
·         The commandments help us CTR.  What are commandments?  Name some…
·         The commandments are like road signs to help us find our way.  They show us the right path to follow to return to Heavenly Father. 
Move to chairs (assigned chairs might be helpful….) and sing Keep the Commandments
Have them line up outside our door.  Tie rope between two chairs and have the children close their eyes and make it from “Earth to Heavenly Father”, where Lindsay can greet them with a snack (Peanut butter crackers and/or cheese crackers)and send them back to their seats. 

While they are eating talk about the Commandment Road Signs and do that activity and discussion on p 10 and 11. 

Let them color their copy of the commandment road signs while we tell the story about Julio. 
Bear testimony of how important it is to read the Book of Mormon.  Studying it will help the children always choose the right. 
If there’s time, invite them to sit on the floor again and name commandments that a parent or other adult has taught them to obey.  Remove one piece of the cover paper at a time to reveal Adam and Eve teaching their children.
If there’s more time, we can tell the story of Lehi’s dream… As we can walk, we can talk about the iron rod being in the Book of Mormon and representing the Word of God.  The tree of life will be depicted with our treasure box.