About Me

     Who Am I?  This is a question that I can recall asking myself at various points throughout my life.  In trying to decide what to say on this page, I have so many thoughts fighting to be known.  I will start with what I feel is at the core of who I am, then devote some space to my roots, and finally end with some things I've accomplished.

      I am first and foremost, a daughter of a loving Heavenly Father.  I am wife to the man of my dreams and mother to our four awesome children.  I am daughter of a loving mother and step-father, as well  as daughter to my father, who is now deceased.  I can never remember a time when I didn't know God loved me and knew me personally.  My walk with God has been an  anchor to me throughout my life.  In October of 1990, two Mormon missionaries knocked on my door in Tucson, AZ.  I remember telling them that I didn't think God was leading me to join their church, but I would enjoy watching any videos they might bring to my house.  I am grateful for their inspired service.  I am a Mormon, too, thanks to those missionaries continuing to bring me videos and patiently teaching me.  Before I became a Mormon, I would have argued that you pick out a church kind of like you pick out a doctor  --- one that fits your individual needs and personality.  Now I am a different person because I accepted the gift Heavenly Father offered to me in being baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  As I have discovered more about my family heritage, we have deep roots of faith, too.  Many clergy, including my dad's brother, are to be found in our family tree.  I am grateful to this uncle for teaching my the basic tenants of faith when I was young.  I remember several snapshots of those teachings that I know helped me learn basic principles that anchored my faith in God.  I am grateful to my mother for teaching me to read my Bible and to pray.  Her faith has been evident all my life, too, and am grateful for her righteous example in spiritual things, as well as teaching me how to be the very best mother.  Her mother, my grandmother, is one of the best example of Christian charity that I've ever known.  She loved and treated well everyone and know her love sustained me through many tough things.  She wrote letters to me and taught me so many things that stand out in my memory about God, as well as practical things, like teaching me to crochet and encouraging my efforts to sew.

     Before I consider my accomplishments, I want to add this quote from April 2004 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (obtained Dec. 4, 2010 from http://lds.org/general-conference/2004/04/fatherhood-an-eternal-calling?lang=eng#13):
You must plan your day as guided by the Spirit of the Lord, earnestly seeking your own welfare and the welfare of your family before other cares blind you to these first responsibilities. As we have been taught by living prophets, ‘No other success in life can compensate for failure in the home’ (David O. McKay, in Conference Report, Apr. 1964, 5; quoted from J. E. McCulloch, Home: The Savior of Civilization [1924], 42).
What I accomplished (and am still accomplishing) as a mother in my home is what I value the most.  This is evident with much of my time and energy through my life has been centered on my family.  I don't expect this to change, though I've also tried to set a good example for service to others in our neighborhood, community and church.

     Most recently I am a substitute teacher.  I went back to school and got a Masters of Art from McKendree University, which helped me become a certified teacher.  When I was a newlywed, I finished my Bachelor's of Science degree at the University of South Carolina, with a major in Biology.  I am certified to teach secondary education and have endorsements to teach many subjects in middle school.

     I am an avid reader belong to an online book club.  I love to crochet and am learning to knit.  I've tinkered with many kinds of crafts through the years.  I have a friend that keeps stretching my abilities as she asks me to help her do various projects.  I taught myself to play the piano when we moved to Korea, but have not progressed very far.  I want to become able to play the piano proficiently one day, but haven't worked it into my life, yet.  I enjoy walking for exercise and have a dog that I try to walk at least once every day.  I value exercise because I value my health.  I bought a pair of running shoes today and am beginning to run....  My first goal is to run a 5K (and beat my husband....).  If I am able to run a 5K and enjoy it, I might train for more or just keep running 5 K runs.