Saturday, September 1, 2012

Today is My 50th Birthday!!!

First, I want to make it clear how astonished I am that I am 50 today!  I've been saying it since January because the year is how I figure out my age!  I don't know how it happened!

Second, I would like to invite all to join in fasting and praying.  I decided to blog on this subject to help me organize my thoughts and be more effective with my prayers.  My hope also is that many will be affected and be able to focus and pray (and fast) to invite blessings from Heaven.

Where to begin?  I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It is our custom to reserve one Sunday a month for fasting and praying and meet for a testimony meeting.  I love this gift we give ourselves.  I have trouble with low blood sugar issues quite often and fasting isn't an automatic thing for me.  Our counsel on fasting is that little children, nursing mothers and the ill shouldn't be compelled to fast.  For, me I found other ways to add a measure of fasting without going without food and water for the 24 hours, for many years.  More recently, my desires to truly fast has resulted in my praying and fasting until my fasting is complete.  What that means is that I take into consideration my physical and spiritual needs and consult with Heavenly Father about how long and in what manner I can fast.  Some fasts have lasted nearly a week without anyone noticing.  We are counseled to add  water if a fast lasts longer than 48 hours.  Due to medication that I am on and need, I continue to drink now. 

As I heard some far-reaching, destructive, crushing news this week, I felt strongly impressed that I wanted to fast for two days.  This need weighs heavily on my heart and the consequences are so far reaching.  I know Heavenly Father is just waiting for us to ask for Him to send the needed blessings and healing for all.  If we just were kinder to one another.....  If we refrained from condemning one another.....  If we did as President Uchtdorf told us, and just stopped the gossip, the contention, the lies...  The Merciful Obtain Mercy  ..... first, we'd be happier!  We'd be able to be the change and spread light.

My list is long of other things, too.  I don't think I've talked to a single person lately that doesn't have a struggle and many are life-threatening, if not life-altering.  I don't want this Blog to be about the laundry list, but what I am learning and what is being impressed upon my mind.

With my friend Asha, we decided to have a scripture study time with one another.  We've been planning this forever and it just never has happened, but this week, we snagged a few precious moments.  She was given a folder with lots of worksheets helping one learn what the Bible teaches about Faith.  The first packet was on God.  I love what it said.  Genesis 1:1 doesn't try to prove or argue there is a God, it simply state:  "In the beginning God created‍ the heaven‍ and the earth." 

Asha and I didn't have time to finish that packet and I suggested we use the days until we can get together to explore other verses to find out what the scriptures teach about God.  Using the Bible dictionary and the Topical Guide has been fun to bring to remembrance and deepen my understanding.  : )

As I looked at the multitudenous options for God in the topical guide, I was drawn to the topic of God's will.  Many great scriptures, but again that jumped out to me was Acts 22:14 " And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth.".  Do you know what is in this chapter?  This is chapter where Paul tells the horrific things he has done to those of the early Church.  I wondered if I'd been in that day, how would I have recieved Paul?  As he said,  22:4 "And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women."  Acts 22  I remember finding so much wisdom and knowledge through Paul's writings as a youth that I wanted to name a child Paul or Paula.  We recognize the awesomeness of Paul, but what did those he'd persecuted think?  Did they struggle to forgive him?  Did some miss out on the blessings of the Gospel because they couldn't forgive/allow the eternal Atonement to cover; because they couldn't see the true person through Heavenly Father's eyes; because they couldn't separate what he had done from what he would do when he accepted the Atonement?

We look at Paul and don't hold his sins against him.  We might not even see his weaknesses from this distance.  Look around us now.  Who might we need to forgive and, indeed, forget?  What might we be rationalizing or justifying, but is actually gossip, vindictiveness, contention, unforgiveness, hard-heartedness.....  The list is long.  I am asked if I truly love people in my ward (church congregation).  I do and it hurts me when people are less than forgiving of others weaknesses, their mistakes, their sins!  I am sorry bad things happen!  I hate when I hurt someone!  It happens and we need to just get past it.  None of the sins that are separating us are anything like Paul's.  Fully partake of the Atonement for your personal sins and also for every hurt done to you or anyone else that you love!

 Is it easy? Is is easy to allow the Atonment of our Savior Jesus Christ to fully cover every sin and hurt?  Often it is a struggle that I've found better accomplished in layers and over time as I realize that I am still hanging on to that hurt.   This link is for a Bible video where the Savior is teaching forgiveness.  The video illustrates this scripture John Chapter 8  As Jesus draws, each of the accusers are convicted by their own consciences and leave...  "10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." 
If we are truly trying to be like Jesus - to follow his example, how can we do any less than to forgive?  Because we can't see the heart, we are commanded to be forgiving of all.  Doctrine and Covenants 64:10 "I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men."  Doctrine and Covenants 64  The blessings of forgiving and consequences of not forgiving are very evident:
The Saints are to forgive their enemies, who, if they repent, will also escape the Lord’s vengeance.
I would offer counsel, too, to those that are being harshly judged and having to bear horrible burdens.  The Lord loves you!  He is mindful of you and will help you let go of the hurt and even be able to love those that are hurting you.  Doctrine and Covenants 31: 9 "Be patient in afflictions, revile not against those that revile. Govern your house in meekness, and be steadfast."  Doctrine and Covenants 31  I always get a picture of Joseph Smith in my mind when the Lord is counseling him to bear the injustices well. Doctrine and Covenants 54: 10 "And again, be patient in tribulation until I come; and, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, and they who have sought me early shall find rest to their souls. Even so. Amen."  (This is the link to Doctrine and Covenants 54.)