Friday, July 22, 2011

My Study Time Impressions

I have been feeling like I need to use this blog in a better way....  I was kind of unclear what I wanted to accomplish with it when I began writing...  I am still not sure, but have been feeling it is a tool that will serve me well, if I use it....  I am not sure if anyone will read it or find it helpful, but I do pray that God will use my writing to help me learn and to teach and uplift others.

In seeking understanding with another's overwhelming challenges, I was repeatedly drawn to my patriarchal blessing.  (Note:  Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can request a patriarchal blessing from the stake patriarch - a man called and set apart to serve in this capacity.  The blessing is recorded and the person is given a copy to keep.  The blessing is considered personal scripture for the person.)  Eventually, one sentence stood out for the very first time....  I was promised understanding as I listened to the prophets and studied the basic principles of the gospel.  My first thought was that I was already teaching 5-year olds the basics and you couldn't get more basic than that....  I immediately remembered when I joined the Church, I had been given the Gospel Principles manual and did not realize it was a Sunday School manual...  I read it from cover to cover in a couple of weeks and was like a sponge.  :-)  I determined that I would do this again.  From the very first day's study, the revelation has flowed on so many subjects that I've sought Heaven's help to understand and to know what I was to do.

Rather than go back and re-cap what I've learned thus far, I want to start today as a way to increase my understanding of these principles and open my heart to greater revelation and understanding.  It is interesting that today's chapter is Chapter 33, Missionary Work... ( )  I was just talking yesterday about wishing a Mormon friend had not taken my less than enthusiastic response as a "No."  I wasn't turning them down, only qualifiying that we might not believe as they do....  In sharing the gospel, each of us will have different insights and understanding.  We can meet on our common ground and enrich and uplift one another.  I wondered yesterday if I was doing all I could do to share the gospel light that I have.  I never want to be guilty of hiding my light.  Matthew 5:14-16  I don't want to do a disservice to my friends and family or even anyone who shall cross my path.  I want them to have every opportunity to accept the fullness of the gospel and come unto our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

This scripture stood out for me from the lesson manual:  Doctrine and Convenants 38 (

40And again, say unto you, give unto you commandment,that every man, both elder, priest, teacher, and also member, go towith his might, with the alabor of his bhandsto prepare andaccomplish the things which have commanded. 41And let your apreaching be the bwarning voice, every man tohis neighbor, in mildness and in cmeekness.

I know that there have been times when I have tried sharing and the response was so confrontational that I wondered if I had achieved the meek or the mild...  I am not sure I am responsible for the reaction to my attempt at sharing.  I am responsible for my own efforts and interactions.

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