Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My First Blog

Wow, my first blog entry and I have nothing to say. :-) My husband says that I give people too many details... I may be wrong, but I think a blog might flourish with details.

Life is good! I am at a point in life where my kids are pretty self-sufficient and happy! My husband has a job that he mostly enjoys. I am comfortable with my life, but also willing to accept challenges. I am learning to knit and after I bead some socks for my sister-in-law for Thanksgiving, I am going to knit some hats for Christmas for my family.

I live close enough to the St. Louis zoo that I went twice last month and would go again soon. :-) I am going to the botanical gardens this week. I live close enough to the St. Louis Temple (of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) that I can nearly every week to do work for those that passed through this world without having the work done. My temple worship is one great strength in my life. It strengthens me immeasurably.

Once a week a friend and I are going to try to get together to watch a movie and knit or crochet. This week it is The Sound of Music. We are picking up Long John Silvers for lunch. I wonder if other friends would like to join us...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Teresa! I like it, and no you don't have too many details and movies and lunch sounds like fun! May I suggest Rigoletto, or August Rush? (The music is amazing!----in both!)
